Oncor Finalizes $3 Billion Resiliency Plan

 In Industry Highlights

resiliency plan

Image courtesy of Carla Wosniak under Attribution 2.0 Generic License, resized to 700 x 391 pixels.

Oncor Electric Delivery Co. (Oncor), the largest electric utility in Texas, recently reached a settlement in principle regarding the resiliency plan the utility filed in May 2024.  The plan, which if approved will begin implementation in the 4Q 2024, includes roughly $3 billion for a slew of initiatives such as undergrounding power lines, enhancing vegetation management practices, deploying smart devices, and automating certain elements of the distribution system.

Key Components of Oncor’s Resiliency Plan

Oncor’s resiliency plan emphasizes proactively addressing potential outage root causes, reducing the frequency and duration of outages, and improving customer service and communication by deploying strategies and tactics designed to mitigate the impact of wildfires, improve grid security (cyber as well as physical), enhance vegetation management practices, and broaden the deployment of smart devices and equipment.

As a summary, the plan includes the following provisions:

  • Grid modernization: Approximately $1.83 billion will be dedicated poles, crossarms, lightning protection, capacity, and underground systems (cable injection/replacement and switchgear automation).
  • Distribution automation: Nearly $510 million will be allocated for improving automation via the implementation of smart devices, sensors, fault detection technologies, and intelligent switches, among other things.
  • Vegetation management: Roughly $285 million will go toward trimming trees and removing brush near power lines to prevent outages caused by fallen vegetation, and using advanced technologies like satellite imagery to identify and prioritize vegetation removal efforts.
  • Security: $525 million will be invested into cybersecurity, and $80 million will be allocated for physical security.
  • Wildfire mitigation: Nearly $900 million will be invested in wildfire prevention and mitigation strategies and tactics.

Oncor?s resiliency plan is comprehensive and forward-thinking, and I applaud the effort because it should help mitigate the impact of severe weather events and other disruptions to the grid.  By investing in grid modernization, vegetation management, emergency response, customer communication, and continuous improvement, Oncor is working to ensure a reliable and resilient electric system for its customers.

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