How to Optimize Power Plant Valve Operation

 In Industry Highlights

power plant valve

Image courtesy of Omar Bárcena under Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic License, resized to 700 x 391 pixels.

Power plant valve performance is critical for utilities in all sectors, mainly because the average utility might have hundreds if not thousands of valves scattered throughout its service territory.  Yet, strategies and tactics to optimize the performance of these critical infrastructure components are often an afterthought.  With that in mind, what follows are some tips, courtesy of my friends at Power Magazine.

Tips to Enhance Power Plant Valve Performance

It should go without saying that valves must be kept in top condition at all times, including ensuring that they seal as designed.  In addition, if any valves are old or outdated, they should be replaced – ideally, with an upgraded valve design.

Power plant valves are especially prone to metal fatigue and cracking because they experience a lot of vibrations, frequent thermal cycling, and extreme pressure drops.  One solution is to upgrade from traditional flow-down valve designs to the flow-up variety if possible.  Another tactic would be to upgrade the valve materials to ones that are harder and more erosion resistant.

Another common issue is a dissimilar metal weld (DMW) which is where 2 different types of pipe materials are welded together (i.e., welding stainless steel to carbon steel, etc.).  This can cause a variety of long-term issues including corrosion at the connection point.  The suggestion for this situation is, if possible, to locate the connection in lower-stress areas, and utilize the correct welding parameters and filler metals to create a solid connection.

Other tips for effective power plant valve maintenance and performance include incorporating advanced control algorithms to reduce stress on the valves during operation, minimizing vibrations, and implementing a regular cycle of preventative maintenance that includes replacing soft components and spray nozzles regularly.

The bottom line is that power plant valve performance directly impacts reliability, which in turn directly impacts emergency preparedness.  It’s all intermingled and should be viewed as such.  Good luck!

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