211 California Network Provides a Boost to Emergency Preparedness

 In Industry Highlights

211 California Network

It’s no secret that the electric utilities as well as the homeowners in California have it rough when it comes to power outages, but a recent agreement between the 211 California Network and the two largest California electric utilities should definitely help.  The agreement is one of many efforts happening within the state to combat the trend of increasing outages.

What is the 211 California Network?

The joint agreement with the 211 California Network and Southern California Edison and Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) will support the utilities’ customers during Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS), which are proactive service interruptions designed to reduce widespread damage from forest fires.

211 will essentially serve as an operator, connecting people with resources that can provide food, shelter, transportation and other essential services.  Residents can call or text the network, which will operate 24/7 during PSPS outages.  The 211 California Network will also engage in proactive outreach to at-risk individuals when not assisting with PSPS.

Why do I think this is helpful for SCE and PG&E from an emergency preparedness perspective?  Well, the reason is because it will provide another outlet for distressed customers to ask questions and receive solutions to problems, thereby preventing these queries from being directed to the utility’s call center.  By eliminating what I’ll term “nuisance calls,” utility call center personnel can focus on more urgent issues, and dedicate more time to satisfying each caller’s needs.

Another reason is that it provides good optics.  A portion of emergency preparedness, as well as restoration and recovery, is judged based on perception, and the perception that the utilities are providing yet another tool in the emergency toolbox is a good look.

The bottom line is that the more we can help customers during the bad times, the better their perception of us will be, which in turn will positively influence the perceptions held by the local media and, most importantly, by local regulators.   This agreement with the 211 California Network is a great step in that direction for SCE and PG&E!

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