America’s Water Infrastructure Act Nearing Approval

 In Industry Highlights

America’s Water Infrastructure Act

At long last, the bill known as America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AKA Senate Bill 2800) has been approved by both the House and the Senate and is now under presidential review.  Talk about something that has been a LONG time coming!

What is America’s Water Infrastructure Act?

The bill, which in its current iteration would need to be reauthorized every two years, will provide $4.4 billion over the next 3 years for water system operators to repair and/or improve drinking water infrastructure.  It also provides funds for ports, harbors and waterways so that coastal & rural communities can better withstand the expected increase in hurricane activity over the next several decades.  The US Army Corps of Engineers is the entity that will implement many of these projects.

The bill allocates $50 million for water testing at schools and similar facilities to detect lead, and authorizes $15 million to replace school drinking water fountains.  It also requires any water supplier serving more than 3,300 people to develop and submit emergency response plans addressing system hacking, weather disasters, and chemical spills.  Once again, something that is LONG overdue!

I’m hopeful that America’s Water Infrastructure Act is adopted, because our nation’s water infrastructure is in terrible shape.  Inadequate access to water not only makes day-to-day living a challenge, but it can also dramatically impact emergency response protocols in negative ways (for example, ever try to fight a fire with no water?).

In the final analysis, whether you work for a water utility or not, we all need to keep our fingers crossed that this bill passes, as-is and quickly. Stay tuned!

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