Customer Experience in the Electric Utility Industry

 In Industry Highlights

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As you know, the ability to foster a positive customer experience is a critical element of success in the electric utility industry – but this is easier said than done, as power outages can undermine customer satisfaction.  With that in mind, a new research report has just been published which aims to shed light on the overall state of customer satisfaction in the electric utility industry.

Measuring Customer Experience in the Electric Utility Industry

The report, called Key Insights on Customer Experience in the Electric Utility Industry in the USA, is available for purchase at  The report encompasses an analysis of nearly 15,000 customer reviews across 25 large electric utilities, including Exelon, Duke Energy, ConEd, Dominion Energy, Southern Company, AES, National Grid, PSE&G, PG&E, Sempra Energy, Xcel Energy, and more.  The objective of the report is to understand the factors that can make or break customer satisfaction and experience in the industry.

While customer perception is not typically thought of as a mission critical objective, it is important because happier customers are less likely to complain, which in turn helps keep regulators at arm’s length.  Generally speaking, the more vocal customers are about negative experiences, the more the ears of the regulators tend to perk up.  This is how customer satisfaction overlaps with emergency preparedness.

Understanding customer thoughts and opinions helps prevent the type of negativity that can place utility companies under scrutiny.  In addition, a solid understanding of customer needs allows utilities to deliver a more personalized and responsive experience, building loyalty.  As the old saying goes, you can’t solve a problem you don’t know exists.

The new research report covers topics like customer review volume per utility, top drivers of adoption and positive customer experience, top customer concerns, and more.  The bottom line is that customer experience within the electric utility industry is more important now than ever before.  Therefore, now is the time to increase your understanding of their needs.

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