Emerging Technologies that Assist Restoration Crews

 In Industry Highlights

restoration crews

As I am sure you realize, we as a society are at the forefront of massive technological evolution.  Just think, 20 years ago, Amazon only sold books!  Just 10 years ago, the notion of using your phone as a camera seemed crazy, but now this is as common as sliced bread.  And the list of similar examples goes on and on.  The good news for restoration crews is that technological advancement is not just limited to consumer goods.

How Restoration Crews Utilize New Technology

There are all kinds of examples of cutting-edge technology aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of restoration crews.  These include but are not limited to:

  • Wireless sensors for proactive system monitoring
  • Drones for damage assessment
  • IoT devices for 360-degree connectivity
  • Mobile devices for data transmission
  • Augmented reality for enhanced environmental perspective
  • Artificial intelligence that reduces the impact of human error and biases in decision making
  • Predictive analytics software

These technologies are very cool, but squeezing maximum value out of their usage is often easier said than done.  This is because backend systems must be upgraded or even replaced in order to accommodate the real time analysis of data, the expanded set of communication protocols, and the centralized automation & control of decision making that these technologies require.  In addition, restoration crews and other emergency preparedness personnel must be trained on using the new technologies.

That said, in the long run the benefits likely outweigh the costs.  Check out this (somewhat self-serving) article for some real-world benefits and case studies.

And that is really the point of this post – we have to focus on the long run.  Yes, implementing system enhancements and technological innovation can be painful in the short run, but generally speaking, these initiatives will pay off in the long run.  So, when it comes to implementing better technology for restoration crews and other workers, be patient, and most of all, keep fighting the good fight!

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