EPP Sponsors the 2014 NJEPA Conference

 In EPP in the News


Hammonton, NJ – July 2014 –In what is becoming something akin to an annual tradition, Emergency Preparedness Partnerships (EPP) is proud to announce its endorsement of the 2014 NJEPA Conference. This is the twelfth year in a row that EPP has sponsored this event, which ran from May 5-9, 2014.

EPP is a leading-edge firm that specializes in helping utilities prepare and plan for major emergencies. As such, this sponsorship represents a natural fit for both parties. In addition to EPP, the 2014 NJEPA Conference was sponsored by such influential companies as Atlantic City Electric, Jersey Central Power & Light, PSE&G, Verizon Wireless, Millennium Communications, Insurance Restoration Specialists, State Farm Insurance, American Water, Grainger, Philadelphia University, South Jersey Gas, Orange & Rockland Utilities, Inc., and American Military University to name just a few. Over 70 vendors/exhibitors were also in attendance.

“The NJEPA was created in 2002 and has grown to become one of my favorite non-profit organizations because its mission is perfectly aligned with EPP’s mission,” said Eileen Unger, President of EPP and also Executive Director of NJEPA as well as its Exhibitor/Sponsorship Committee Chairperson. “The organization seeks to educate utility and other critical-infrastructure businesses about planning, response, recovery and mitigation in all types of emergencies, which is exactly what EPP was formed to do.”

The 2014 NJEPA Conference spanned 5 days and was jam-packed with comprehensive educational content delivered via training sessions, lectures, panel discussions, and breakout sessions. Training sessions are designed to be more formal in nature, and class attendees receive certification. Breakout sessions are less formal and are designed for smaller groups to maximize interaction. Of course, every NJEPA conference also provides opportunities for networking, partnership building, and vendor exhibiting.

Content included courses focused on mass care planning, disaster logistics, emergency response, coastal storms, multi-agency coordination, mutual assistance, fire preparedness, role of the Public Information Officer (PIO), electrical safety, GIS, ICS, elevator rescue, resource demobilization, rapid needs assessment, situational analysis, radioactive material decontamination, highway safety, and much more.

From an attendance standpoint, government personnel (federal, state, county and municipal) comprised 27% of those in attendance, first responders comprised 20%, private sector emergency management personnel comprised 19%, exhibitors comprised 15%, utility companies comprised 10%, and hospitals comprised 9%. Specific attendee roles included fire and police chiefs, security supervisors, plant operations directors, emergency management coordinators, public works superintendents, investigators, utility engineers, firefighters, PIOs, Hazmat techs, EMTs, paramedic supervisors, meteorologists, restoration managers, and more.

“The annual conferences held by the NJEPA are second-to-none, and in fact this is one of the main reasons I chose to become the Executive Director of the organization” said Unger. “My entire career has centered on utility operations and emergency planning, and so it’s nice to be able to give a little back to the industry as well as the community.”

The fifteenth annual NJEPA Conference is already scheduled for May 4-8, 2015 in Atlantic City, NJ. Tickets ordered in advance cost $75 each, but the price increases to $110 after May 1, 2015 and will cost $135 at the door. To learn more about the 2015 event, click here. We’ll see you there!


Michael Caffrey, Emergency Preparedness Partnerships and James Lee Witt, James Lee Witt Associates



Eileen Unger, Mike Caffrey and Matt Custer



Ed Conover, Atlantic County OEM presenting the sponsor award to Eileen Unger, EPP



Eileen Unger, Matt Custer, Bill Scott and Jennifer Unger

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