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- $13B Transmission Funding Announced by DOE
- 2019 CDC Drill Identified Pandemic Response Shortcomings
- 2020 Saw Record Energy Production Declines According to the EIA
- 2020 Utility Trends that will Help Define the Future
- 2021 GridEx VI Emergency Exercise Gets 4 New States
- 2021 Smart Meter Trends
- 2023 Electric Report from Black & Veatch Reveals Top Utility Risks
- 2023 Energy Predictions
- 2023: Record Number of Billion-Dollar Disasters in the US
- 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Forecast is Alarming
- 2024 Generator Interconnection Scorecard Released
- 2024 PJM Interconnection Outlook
- 2024 Saw a Record Number of Billion-Dollar Disasters
- 211 California Network Provides a Boost to Emergency Preparedness
- 3 Ways Electric Utilities Can Work Better with Local Government Agencies
- 3 Ways Utilities Can Prepare for Climate Extremes
- 4 Cities at Risk of a Major Water Disaster
- 5 Smart Grid Security Issues that Utilities Must Understand
- 5 Tips for Effective Emergency Communications
- 5 Ways Utilities Can Influence Local News Coverage During Emergencies
- 911 Dispatch System Hacked
- 911 Outage Jolts Washington Residents
- A Closer Look at Hailstorm Risk
- A Labor Day Appreciation
- A Midyear Emergency Plan Review
- A Pandemic Blast From The Past – Influenza
- Accelerating Water Infrastructure Improvements
- Accident Tolerant Fuels Enhance Nuclear Safety
- Advanced Distribution Management Systems (ADMS)
- Advanced Phishing Scheme Targets US Utilities
- AEP Ohio Plans to Expand Its DACR Network
- AEP Scrutinized for Power Cuts to Low Income Neighborhoods
- AEP Sets Strategy in Motion for Meeting Future Data Center Demand
- Aerial Transmission Line Inspections
- AES Ohio Teams Up with Google to Modernize the Grid
- Aging Substations Put Grid Reliability at Risk
- Aging Water Infrastructure and Emergency Preparedness
- AI Cameras Help Keep Colorado Wildfires at Bay
- AI Energy Demand Puts Power Grids at Risk
- Alaska Tsunami Threat Could Spell Trouble
- Algorithms Seen as the Primary Defense Mechanism for Grid Cyber Attacks
- Ambulance Staging for Emergency Events
- Ameren Seeks Billion Dollar Infrastructure Improvement
- America’s Water Infrastructure Act Nearing Approval
- Anti-Nuclear Movement Gains Momentum
- Are Autonomous Mobile Robots Useful for Utilities?
- Are Microgrids the Key to Reducing Power Outages?
- Are Minigrids the Answer to Puerto Rico’s Grid Woes?
- Are Physical Barriers Better than Technology for Power Plant Security?
- Are the Economic Cost of Disasters Decreasing?
- Are the Spring 2023 Canadian Wildfires the New Norm?
- Are We in an Era of the Megafire?
- Are Your Utility Communications Fully Evolved?
- Aridification is the Latest Climate Risk
- ASCE Infrastructure Report Card Issues Low Marks Again
- Asteroid Emergency Drill Conducted by NASA, FEMA
- Atlantic City Electric Promises Smart Energy Network Rollout Will Shorten Outages
- Atlantic Offshore Wind Transmission Study Released
- Attack of the Super Volcanos
- Audit Reveals Causes of Hayward Power Plant Explosion
- Augmented Intelligence for the Utility Industry
- Augmented Reality and Emergency Restoration
- Auto Transformer Switch Boosts Reliability for FPL Customers
- Automated Drone Inspection System Launched
- Automatic Transfer Reclosers Help Consumers Energy Prevent Outages
- Automating Logistics to Optimize Recovery Efforts
- Average US Household Experiences Six Hours of Power Interruptions Annually
- Avoiding a Customer Service Train Wreck
- Avoiding NERC CIP Mistakes
- Avoiding the Lessons Learned Trap
- Benefits of a Mesh Network for Wildfire Response
- Benefits of Automated Damage Assessment
- Benefits of Automating Damage Assessment
- Benefits of GIS for Natural Gas Utilities
- Benefits of Investing in Water Infrastructure
- Benefits of Microlearning for Utility Emergency Training
- Benefits of Mobile GIS for Utility Crews
- Benefits of Outage Notification Texting
- Benefits of Real-Time Wind Turbine Monitoring
- Benefits of Remote Power Plant Leak Detection
- Best Practice for Responding to Water Main Breaks
- Best Practices for Managing Nuclear Power Plant Outages
- Best Practices for Utility Field Management
- Best Practices for Utility Field Service Management
- Better Utility Leadership Means Better Emergency Preparedness
- Beware Corporate Jabberwocky
- Biden Grants Billions to FEMA for Storm Protection
- Billion-Dollar Weather Events on the Rise
- Billions Being Spent on Flood Mitigation and Storm Hardening in the Northeast
- Bitcoin Mining Puts Nuclear Plant at Risk?
- Bladeless Turbines Set to Upend the Wind Power Industry
- Blizzard Response in Buffalo Under Scrutiny
- Bomb Shelter Mania?
- Bootleg Fire in Oregon Creates Its Own Weather
- Bribery Scandal Forces Top Ohio Utility Regulator to Resign
- Building Supergrids to Enhance Electrical Infrastructure Resiliency
- Business Continuity Versus Disaster Recovery
- Caffrey Named President of NJ Emergency Preparedness Association
- Caffrey Presents at American Gas Association Operations Conference
- Caffrey Presents at the Western Energy Institute (WEI) Forum
- CAISO Earmarks 46 Transmission Projects to Boost Reliability in California
- CAISO Releases 20 Year Transmission Outlook
- California Demand Side Grid Support (DSGS) Program Exceeds 500 MW
- California Electric Grid at Risk of Collapse According to Experts
- California Electric Utilities Have Few Wildfire Options
- California Emergency Alerts Still Need Refinement
- California Hydroelectric Generation Declining Due to Severe Drought Conditions
- California ISO Takes Aim at Energy Storage to Boost Reliability
- California Looks to Water Tunnels for Supply Distribution
- California Mudslides Highlight the Need for New Emergency Protocols
- California Oil Drilling Companies Violate State Regulations
- California PUC Issues New Rules After Massive Fires
- California Pushes for Better Vegetation Management in the Wake of Wildfires
- California Rapidly Entering the Fire Flood Era
- California Regulators Want Climate Planning Incorporated into Rate Cases
- California Solar Production Negatively Impacted by Wildfires
- California to Increase Reliance on Fossil Fuels to Mitigate Outages
- California Tsunami Risk Creates Uncertainty for Residents
- California Utilities Rolling Out Wildfire Prevention Tactics
- California Volcanoes an Under-Reported Threat
- California Water Utilities Looking to Avoid Wildfire Liability
- California’s Energy Woes in Chart Form
- Can a Hurricane Warning System Be Too Detailed
- Can Artificial Intelligence be Used to Predict Disasters?
- Can Electric Vehicles Boost Grid Resilience?
- Can Game Theory Help Mitigate Cyber Threats?
- Can Laser Defense Systems Defend Against Missiles?
- Can Nuclear Power Offset Coal-Fired Power Plant Retirements?
- Can the Grid Handle GMD and EMP Risks?
- Can the Nuclear Power Industry Overcome Toshibas Shutdown?
- Can Transactive Energy Improve Grid Resilience?
- Can Virtual Power Plants or VPPs Really Improve Reliability?
- Can Wearable Exoskeletons Improve Utility Crew Safety?
- Canadian Natural Gas Distribution Network Targeted by Hackers
- Canadian Power Grid Facing Increased Weather Risk
- Caution: B Team Sports Analogy Ahead
- CDF Calculator Helps Utilities Improve Outage Cost Estimations
- Cellphone Outages Exacerbate Planned Outages in California
- Chemical Plants and Utility Emergency Preparedness
- Cities are Falling Short on Emergency Evacuation Planning
- Cities Prepping for Climate Change
- Climate Change and the New Normal
- Climate Change, Volcanoes and Earthquakes
- Climate Trace Aims to Put Greenhouse Gas Emission Readings in the Public Domain
- CMP Accused of Overspending on Storm Restoration
- CO2 Emissions from Energy in 2020 Lowest in 40 Years
- Coal Power Set to Make a Comeback in 2019
- Coastal Areas Could See Huge Sea Level Increases by 2100
- Coastal Flooding Mitigation Plan Under Development in New York City
- Coastal Utilities Face Potentially Grim Future
- Collapse of the Cuban Power Grid
- Colorado Electric Utilities Preparing for the Worst
- Columbia Gas and the Gas Explosion Press Conference
- Columbia Gas Explosions: Natural Gas Service Will Take Months to Restore
- ComEd Fast Becoming a Model for Reliability
- ComEd Leads Climate Risk Planning Study to Predict Grid Impact
- Common Solar Power Systems Found Vulnerable to Hacking
- Communicating Feedback: The Art and Science of the Debrief
- Communities Struggling to Recruit Firefighters
- Communities with the Worst Evacuation Routes
- Community Liaison: The Art and Science of Advocacy
- Complex Mega Disasters and the Domino Effect on Public Utilities
- Conducting a Customer Service Clinic to Boost Emergency Preparedness
- Conducting a Mass Shooting Drill for Utilities
- Conducting a Nuclear Disaster Drill
- Connecticut Adopts Energy Storage Targets
- Conquering the Stormwater Management Challenge
- Considerations for Utilities Deploying Fiber Optic Communication Solutions
- Construction Continues in Flood Prone Areas Despite Warnings
- Contract Storm Assessment Services for Electric Utilities
- Coordinated Hack of EV Chargers Could Lead to Massive Outages
- Correlation between Forest Fires and Climate Change
- Correlation Between Grid Defection and Natural Disasters
- Could 4D Printing Improve Reliability?
- Could a Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Happen in America?
- Could Augmented Reality Contact Lenses Help with Power Restoration?
- Could Biogas Help Solve the Impending Capacity Shortfall?
- Could Deployable Wind Turbines Solve Reliability Woes?
- Could Deregulation in California Create a New Energy Crisis?
- Could Geothermal Help Offset Future Energy Woes?
- Could Hydroelectric Dams become Obsolete?
- Could Offshore Wind Help Solve Power Woes in California?
- Could Smart Meters Help Accelerate Outage Recovery in New Jersey?
- Could the Future be Plagued with Energy Droughts?
- Could Toxic Sewage Sludge be the Next Clean Energy Source?
- Crash Override Malware Likely Cause of Ukraine Cyber Attack
- Critical Natural Disaster Jobs
- Critical Threats to SCADA Security
- CrowdSource Rescue Helps Locate Disaster Victims
- Crypto Mining and Electric Vehicles May Challenge the Grid
- CTIA and EEI Collaborate for Enhanced Emergency Preparedness
- Customer Experience in the Electric Utility Industry
- Customized Emergency Alerts are the Wave of the Future
- Cyberattack Restoration Potentially Costlier for Utilities than Natural Disaster Recovery
- Data Analytics Helps Avangrid Improve Grid Reliability
- Dealing with Natural Gas Emergencies
- Debacle in Texas Puts ERCOT in the Spotlight
- Debating Overground Versus Underground Power Lines
- Decades of Hurricane Landfall Data Analyzed
- Decayed Power Pole Caused Massive 2024 Texas Wildfire
- Decline of Electric Grid Reliability in America
- Default Passwords Exploited by Water Utility Hackers
- Defending Microgrid Cyberattacks
- Defining Resilience in the Utility Industry
- Definition of First Responders May Expand to Include Utility Linemen
- Demand from Data Centers May Keep More Coal Plants Online
- Derecho Devastation Prompts Enhanced Emergency Plans
- Developing a Smart Antenna Strategy for T&D Assets
- Development of Space Based Solar Power Gains Steam
- Development of Wireless Electric Transmission Infrastructure Makes Progress
- Diablo Canyon Shutdown Will Leave California Devoid of Nuclear Power
- Disaster Planning for Vulnerable Coastal Towns
- Distributed Wind Energy Shows Promise for Microgrids
- Distribution Line Undergrounding Gaining Traction for Grid Hardening
- Do Second Roles Really Work?
- DOE Advocates for Regulatory Innovation in the Utility Industry
- DOE Announces $6 Billion Nuclear Plant Program
- DOE Cuts Transmission Permitting Times in Half
- DOE Developing “SuperLab” to Stress Test the Grid
- DOE Launches Hydropower Fleet Modernization Program
- DOE Releases National Clean Hydrogen Roadmap
- DOE Selects 23 Projects to Modernize the Grid
- DOE Warns of Chinese Hackers
- Does Clean Energy Increase Outage Frequency?
- Does Wind Turbine Winterization Make Sense in Texas?
- Domestic Terrorism Plot on the US Grid Leads to Guilty Pleas
- Dozens of Coal-Fired Plants Will Shut Down Over New Wastewater Guidelines
- Drills and Exercises and Practicing
- Driving Sustainable Change in Utilities
- Drone Attacks a Real Threat to the Power Grid
- Drone Technology for Storm Recovery
- Drones and Biobots to Map Disaster Areas
- Drought Threatens to Take Glen Canyon Dam Turbines Offline
- Duke Energy Developing a Microgrid Charging Station
- Duquesne Light Deploys Underground Cable Monitoring System
- Earthquake Drills Reach Millions of People in Mexico
- Earthquake Early Warning System Tested in California
- EEI Testimony Underscores Electric Industry Commitment to Security
- Effective Mutual Assistance Communications for Electric Utilities
- EIA Analysis Shows How Winter Storms Disrupt Natural Gas Production
- EIA Annual Electric Power Industry Report Update
- EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2022 Released
- EIA Publishes 2026 Energy-Sector Forecasts
- EIA Reveals the Average Length of Customer Power Interruptions
- EIA Says Annual Utility Spending is on the Rise
- Eileen Unger a Finalist for the 2006 Enterprising Women of the Year Award
- Eileen Unger Appointed to the New Jersey State Industrial Committee
- Eileen Unger Awarded Prestigious Trailblazer Award
- Eileen Unger Featured in SNJ Business People
- Eileen Unger Inducted into International Women in Homeland Security and Emergency Management (inWEM) Hall of Fame
- Eileen Unger Named Vice President to the Board of Durand, Inc.
- Eileen Unger Speaks at the 2016 Coastal Resiliency Symposium
- Eileen Unger Wins 2016 Business Excellence Award
- Electric Utilities are Becoming Uninsurable Thanks to Wildfires
- Electric Utilities Create Outage Restoration Sharing Program
- Electric Utilities Weak at Inspecting Power Lines?
- Electric Utility Business Customer Satisfaction Rising
- Electric Utility Decentralization is Nothing to Fear
- Electric Vehicle Growth Cited as a Possible Power Grid Risk
- Electric-Only Homes are on the Rise, According to the EIA
- Electrical Steel Shortage Could Hinder Outage Recovery
- Emergence of Apps for Emergency Restoration
- Emergency Drills and Exercises for Utilities
- Emergency Housing Demand Soaring to New Heights
- Emergency Management Can Mean the Difference Between Life and Death
- Emergency Operations Centers Benefit from Technological Advancements
- Emergency Outage Restoration and the Call for All Hands on Deck
- Emergency Planning for People with Disabilities
- Emergency Preparedness for Asteroid Threats
- Emergency Preparedness for Hazardous Spills
- Emergency Preparedness HR Policies for Utilities
- Emergency Preparedness Partnerships Launches Redesigned Website
- Emergency Radios Under Fire for Poor Emergency Performance
- Emergency Response Plans: Human Nature vs. The Plan
- Emergency Restoration Training: When You Exercise, Go Big
- Emerging Energy Storage Technologies
- Emerging Outage Restoration Technologies for Electric Utilities
- Emerging Technologies that Assist Restoration Crews
- Emerging Utility Grid Hardening Techniques
- Employee Retention in the Utility Industry
- Energy Storage Projects Becoming Reality
- Enhanced Visual Emergency Alerts for the Hearing Impaired
- Enhancing Physical Substation Security Via Intelligent Video
- Ensemble Forecast Model Upgraded by National Weather Service
- Ensuring Your PPE Fits Properly
- Environmental Impact of Distributed Generation
- Environmental Impact of Retiring Nuclear Power Plants
- EO for Electromagnetic Pulse Threats Signed by Trump
- EPA Begins Allocation of Water Infrastructure Funds
- EPA Good Neighbor Plan Will Accelerate Coal Retirements
- EPA Issues Water Utility Pandemic Checklist
- EPA Issues WIFIA Loans to Accelerate Water Infrastructure Improvement
- Epidemic and Pandemic Planning for Water Utilities
- EPP Endorses the 2011 NJ Emergency Managers Conference
- EPP Honored as Company of the Year by NAWBO of South Jersey
- EPP Joins Metropolitan Business and Citizens Association (MBCA)
- EPP Partners with NAWBO on their Glass Ceiling Awards
- EPP President Eileen Unger Appointed to the Board of Durand Academy and Community Service
- EPP President Eileen Unger Inducted into the Atlantic County Women’s Hall of Fame
- EPP Speaks at the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Meeting
- EPP Sponsors ASIS Law Enforcement Recognition Event
- EPP Sponsors NAWBO’s Keys to the Future Scholarship Event
- EPP Sponsors Southeastern Electric Exchange (SEE) 2010 Annual Conference
- EPP Sponsors the 2013 New Jersey Emergency Preparedness Conference
- EPP Sponsors the 2014 NJEPA Conference
- EPP’s Caffrey Published in Electric Light & Power
- EPP’s Unger a Panelist at the 11th Annual NJAWBO Expo
- EPPs Caffrey Conducts Staging Area Presentation
- EPPs Presents to the New Jersey Common Ground Alliance
- EPPs Unger a Presenter at the Managing Outage Communications with Utility Customers Conference
- EPPs Unger Appointed to the American Heart Association Go Red for Women Executive Team
- EPPs Unger Keynote Speaker at MODC Seminar
- EPP’s Caffrey a Presenter at Forum on Coastal Storms
- EPP’s Caffrey and Unger Speak at the USEPA Conference
- EPP’s Caffrey Receives Merit Award from Atlantic City Electric
- EPP’s Goelz Honored By NJ Economic Development Authority
- EPP’s Goelz Shares Emergency Planning Advice
- EPP’s Michael Caffrey Speaks at the 2014 Storm Restoration and Emergency Planning for the Power Sector Conference
- EPP’s Unger a Panelist at the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey (CCSNJ)
- EPP’s Unger Named 4 of Twenty Four People to Watch in 2004
- EPP’s Unger Speaks at the OSHA – Northern NJ Federal Safety and Health Council Meeting
- EPP’s Unger Talks Disaster Preparedness at the 2014 Business Law & Corporate Counsel Symposium
- EPP’s Unger Tells How to Avert Disaster
- EPRI and NERC Partner to Boost Grid Resilience
- EPRI Launches Initiative to Manage Increased EV Loads
- ERCOT Conducts Hundreds of Power Plant Inspections to Fortify Texas Grid
- ERCOT Faces Dozens of Lawsuits for 2021 Winter Storm
- ESCC Outlines Critical COVID-19 Strategies for Power Companies
- Essential Tools for Utility Linemen
- ETRs and the Customer Hierarchy of Needs
- EV Charging Cybersecurity is Critical for Grid Security
- EV Infrastructure Introduces New Risk into the Grid
- Evacuation Protocols and the Element of Fear
- Eversource Faces Heavy Fine for Isaias Response
- Eversource Launches Underground Substation Construction
- Expert Says Energy Droughts Could Impact Future Reliability
- Explosion in Remote Work Increases Hacking Risk
- Extreme Heat this Summer Will Increase Outage Risk for Utilities
- Facebook Emergency Alerts Rolled Out for Local Government Agencies
- Facebook Launches New Tool for Emergency Situations
- Failure of Texas Wind Resources in March 2021 Under NERC Scrutiny
- FBI Conducts Radiological Attack Drill
- FCC Tweaks Wireless Emergency Alert System
- Federal Judge Rips PG&E Vegetation Work
- FEMA Designates Disaster Resilience Zones for Priority Federal Funding
- FEMA Publishes 12th Annual National Preparedness Report
- FEMA Releases 2022 National Preparedness Study
- FEMA Releases Hurricane Pandemic Plan
- FEMA USAR (Urban Search and Rescue) Shortcomings
- FERC Mulls Transmission Incentives for Cybersecurity Enhancements
- FERC to Oversee Winter Storm Elliott Settlement Talks
- FERC Touts Virtualization and Cloud Services for Better Resiliency
- Fighting Social Media Outage Misinformation
- Fire Tornado Wreaks Havoc in California
- Fire Triggered PyroCB Storms are Yet Another Weather Risk
- Firefighter Deaths and Preventable Mistakes
- FirstEnergy Deploys Wearable Safety Devices
- FirstNet Emergency Communication Network Expanding to Utilities
- Fixer Upper Power Grid?
- Fixing the Power Grid
- Flint Water Crisis Prompts Big Emergency Management Changes
- Flood Prediction Models Improve Preparedness
- Flood Water Pumping
- Flooding Response Aided by Drone Technology
- Florida Adds Thousands of New Hurricane Shelter Spaces
- Fortifying the Grid Against Extreme Winter Weather Challenges
- FPL Targets Huge 10 Year Increase in Solar Battery Storage
- Fracking is Causing a Spike in Earthquake Activity
- Frequency of Dust Storms Increasing
- From OMS to DMS: Is Technology Replacing Common Sense?
- Fukushima Cleanup Expected to Take Another 30 Years
- Fusion Power Plant Proposed for 2040s
- Future of the Distributed Microgrid Market
- GAO Study Finds FEMA Has Work to Do
- GAO Urges Water Utility Climate Resistance
- Gas Pipeline Leak Repairs Continue to Decline
- Gas Plant Methane Emissions Understated According to New Study
- Gas Safety Bill Gains Momentum in Massachusetts
- Gas-Electric Coordination Proposal Floated by 4 RTOs
- Gas-Electric Working Group Formed to Develop Reliability Solutions
- Geoengineering to Combat Climate Change
- Geopolitical Risks are Threatening the Power Grid
- Georgia Power Invests in New Technology to Improve Restoration
- Georgia Power Launches New Nuclear Reactor
- Goodbye Homer City Generating Station
- GPS Spoofing: Newest Threat to the Grid
- Grid Modernization on the Rise
- Grid Modernization Plan Finally Taking Hold in New Mexico
- Grid Modernization Supported by Most Utility Customers
- Grid Reliability and the Role of Nuclear Power
- Grid Reliability Examined by University of Pennsylvania Study
- Grid-Forming Inverters are Key to Future Grid Reliability
- Gridscope Sensors Aim to Boost Utility Wildfire Resiliency
- Grocery Store Emergency Preparedness
- Guidelines for PR Crisis Planning
- Hack-Proof Smart Meters?
- HADR Helps Hurricane Victims
- Ham Radio: Critical Component of Utility Emergency Plans
- Hand Protection for Emergency Responders
- Handling Negative Customer Feedback
- Hawaii Attack Warning Siren to Activate
- Hawaii Lava Emergency is a Learning Opportunity for Utilities
- Helicopters Used to Upgrade Ohio Transmission Lines
- Helping Utilities Avoid Buying Risky Technology
- Herbicide Drone Helps ComEd Optimize Vegetation Management
- High Voltage Power Lines and Cranes Do Not Mix
- Historically Low Sierra Snowpack Levels Will Complicate Utility Emergency Planning
- Households Impacted by Flood Events Expected to Double by 2030
- How 21st-Century Storms are Devastating 20th-Century Infrastructure
- How 5G Will Benefit Utility Companies
- How 90% of Puerto Rico Lost Power on New Year’s Eve
- How a Gas Pipeline Attack Could Cause Mass Outages
- How a Geomagnetic Disturbance (GMD) Could Devastate the Grid
- How a Hybrid Attack Graph Helps Optimize Cybersecurity
- How a Mobile Transformer Can Improve Energy Resilience
- How a Strong Safety Culture Can Benefit Utilities
- How a Wireless Outage Impacts Emergency Restoration
- How Advanced Weather Technology Helped PG&E Slash Power Shutoffs in 2020
- How AI Electricity Consumption Will Impact Future Demand
- How an Electric Clock Birthed the Modern Power Grid
- How Analyzing Robotic Swarm Behavior Can Help Navigate Disaster Areas
- How Asset Management Technology Can Enhance Grid Reliability
- How Battery Storage Can Enhance Island Grid Reliability
- How Biden’s Proposed Tenfold Increase in Solar Power will Impact Electric Utilities
- How BPA Cut Utility Pole Replacement Timelines by Months
- How Brand Appeal Can Boost Perceptions of Restoration Effectiveness
- How C&I Customers Improve Grid Reliability
- How California’s EV Goals Could Affect the Power Grid
- How Coal Ash Ponds Threaten Water Utilities
- How Com Ed Manages Succession Planning
- How Communication Influences Brand Trust in the Utility Industry
- How Composite Utility Poles are Better than Wooden Poles
- How Corralling Mutual Assistance is Like Herding Cats
- How Demand Response Can Increase Electric Reliability
- How Demand Response Capabilities Can Reduce Outages
- How Does Increased Air Conditioning Use Impact the Grid?
- How Drones can Optimize Infrastructure Inspections
- How DTE is Using Smart Devices to Alleviate Power Outages
- How Dumping Radioactive Water into the Ocean Relates to Emergency Communications
- How Dynamic Line Rating or DLR Technology is Improving Reliability
- How Electric Boats Might Impact the Power Grid
- How Electric Co-Ops are Hardening Systems Against Wildfires
- How Emergency Managers are Adapting to Climate Change
- How EV Smart Charging Can Help Reduce Summer Blackouts
- How Fuel Cells Can Boost Reliability
- How Future Water Scarcity Can Reduce Emergency Events
- How Gas Flaring Contributes to Global Warming
- How Georgia Power Utilizes Staging Areas
- How Heat Waves and Microclimates Complicate Emergency Restoration
- How Helicopters and Chainsaws are Helping One Utility Reduce Outages
- How High-Performance Overhead Conductors Improve Grid Reliability
- How Home Standby Generators Can Stabilize the Grid
- How Hospitals Prepare for Disasters
- How Hydrogen Hubs Can Spearhead the Transition to Clean Energy
- How Infrared Cameras are Reducing Outages
- How Infrared Imaging Can Enhance Grid Maintenance
- How IT-OT Convergence Impacts Utilities
- How Large Wind Farms Can Reduce Hurricane Precipitation
- How Likely is a Russian Cyberattack on US Utilities?
- How Location Intelligence Can Help Utilities
- How Mobile GIS Technology Can Help Optimize Utility Restoration Efforts
- How Monitoring Lightning Strikes Can Help Detect Power Grid Cyber Attacks
- How Natural Gas Bans Would Hurt Electric Reliability in California
- How Nuclear Batteries Could Help Decentralize the Grid
- How Oil and Gas Production is Impacted by Hurricanes
- How Old Power Plants Can Accelerate Clean Energy Deployments
- How Overhead Line Sensors Can Improve Reliability
- How Packetized Energy Management Can Reduce Outages
- How Prepared are You for the Next Major Weather Event?
- How Private Broadband Can Improve Utility Emergency Response
- How Real Time Information Can Benefit Utilities
- How Reconductoring Could Expand New Transmission Capacity
- How Regional Partnerships Can Accelerate Water System Improvements
- How Robotic Exoskeletons Could Help Optimize Storm Restoration
- How Robotics Technology Can Benefit Utilities
- How Satellite Imagery Can Predict Billion Dollar Disasters
- How Self-Powered Sensors Can Reduce Outages
- How SGIP is Accelerating Grid Modernization
- How Slow-Moving Landslides are Being Impacted by Climate Extremes
- How Smart Cities Can Improve Response
- How Smart Substations Can Benefit Reliability
- How Social Media AI Improves Disaster Response
- How Social Networks Save Lives During Disasters
- How Socioeconomic Status Impacts Restoration Times
- How Strategic Co-Locating Can Accelerate Transmission Buildouts
- How Supply Chain Disruptions are Hindering Grid Modernization Efforts
- How TECO Used Advanced Technology to Improve Grid Reliability
- How the 2024 Hurricane Season Impacted U.S. Energy Infrastructure
- How the Biden Infrastructure Deal Impacts Electric Utilities
- How the EPA Smog Pollution Plan Will Impact Electric Utilities
- How the Growth of Solar Capacity Impacts Power Grids
- How the Industroyer Malware Took the Ukraine Power Grid Offline
- How the Inflation Reduction Act Benefits Nuclear Power Plants
- How the Trump Presidency Will Impact the Energy Industry
- How the US Forest Service Improved Utility Emergency Response
- How the Value of Hydroelectric Infrastructure Can Benefit from Wind Power
- How Thundersnow Can be Triggered by Wind Turbines
- How to be a Great Utility Boss
- How to Boost Hydropower Generation without Building New Dams
- How to Extend Wood Pole Life
- How to Fix Water Infrastructure without Upsetting Customers
- How to Optimize Power Plant Valve Operation
- How to Protect Solar Infrastructure from Hail Damage
- How to Reduce Manhole Explosions in the Utility Industry
- How Tunneling Robots Help Utilities Move Infrastructure Underground
- How Utilities can Expand their Talent Pool
- How Utilities Can Improve Training Effectiveness
- How Utilities Can Quantify Wildfire Risk
- How Utilities Can Retain Top Talent
- How Utilities Can Up Their Storm Intelligence Game
- How Utilities Can Use 5G Wireless Technology
- How Utilities Use Data to Weather the Storm
- How Utility Companies Can Leverage Artificial Intelligence
- How Utility Companies Can Reduce Outage Phone Calls
- How Vehicle to Grid Technology Could Boost Reliability
- How Virtual Power Plants Could Help California
- How Waste Milk Can Cut Power Plant CO2 Emissions
- How Water Chemistry in Steam Power Plants Affects Reliability
- How Wind Farms Affect Weather Forecasting
- How Wireless Monitoring Technology Optimizes Power Plant Operations
- Hurricane Barry Provides Lessons Learned in New Orleans
- Hurricane Fiona Exposes Incompetence in Puerto Rico
- Hurricane Florence Leaves Lingering Problems
- Hurricane Harvey Reinvigorates Ham Radio Community
- Hurricane Irma Flattens Cuba’s Crumbling Infrastructure
- Hurricane Laura Triggers Military Response
- Hurricane Matthew Wipes Out East Coast Sand Dunes
- Hurricane Michael Brings Out the Best in Local Residents
- Hurricane Sandy 2 Years Later
- Hurricane Season Plus Coronavirus Equals Trouble
- Hurricane Wind Speeds and Rainfall Amounts are Worsening
- Hybrid Power Plants on the Rise
- Hydroelectric Dam Safety has a Spotty Track Record
- Hydrogen Economy Offers Promise for Electric Utilities
- Hydrogen Energy System Proposed for Renewable Energy in California
- Hydropower and the Water Energy Nexus
- Hydropower Outlook in the Pacific Northwest
- Hydropower Plants are Struggling Out West
- Ice Storm Customer Communications
- Ice Storm Restoration Safety
- IEA Electricity Market Report 2023 Released
- IEA Warns that Urban Grids are at Risk of Widespread Failure
- Ignition Probability is a Crucial Aspect of Predicting Wildfire Risk
- Impact of an Electromagnetic Pulse or EMP Attack on the Grid
- Impact of Hurricane Ida on the New Orleans Infrastructure
- Impact of Michigan Dam Failure Minimized Thanks to Rapid Response
- Impact of Renewable Natural Gas on Emergency Preparedness
- Impact of Social Connections on Evacuation Decisions
- Impact of the Clean Power Plan on Reliability
- Implementing Grid Enhancing Technologies Could Save $5 Billion Annually
- Implications of IoT for Water Utilities
- Implications of the Constellation Calpine Combination
- Importance of Ballistic Protection Systems to for Physical Grid Security
- Importance of Bonding Mats for Utility Personnel
- Importance of Dispatcher Training for Emergency Preparedness
- Importance of Distribution Circuit Coverings for Wildfire Protection
- Importance of Electrical Conduit for Underground Lines
- Importance of Fire Hydrants for Emergency Response
- Importance of Job Briefings in the Utility Industry
- Improved Hurricane Maps Coming Soon?
- Improving Outage Response Times
- Improving Safety Performance
- Incident Command System: Watch the Baton?
- Incident Management Software for Utilities
- Incident Management: Who’s in charge? Who SHOULD be in charge?
- Increased Distributed Energy Resources Will Challenge Utilities
- Increased Infrastructure Development Requires Legislative Changes
- Increased Water Service Interruptions Predicted Thanks to Global Warming
- Industrial Control Systems in the Energy Industry Highly Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks
- Infrastructure Hardening Leads Grid Modernization Investments
- Innovative Overhead Fault Monitoring Solution Boosts Reliability
- Insights from the IEA 2019 World Energy Outlook
- Institutional Knowledge and the Emergency Preparedness Gap
- Internet of Things and Disaster Mitigation
- Internet Outage Could Last for Months Following a Solar Storm
- IPAWS Aims to Bring Emergency Alerts to Gaming Systems
- Iranian Hackers Go After US Water Utilities
- Iranian Hackers Targeting Physical Attacks
- Is a Catastrophe Fund the Answer to California Utilities’ Wildfire Liability?
- Is AMI Worth It for Utilities?
- Is an All-Renewable Grid Viable?
- Is Another Chernobyl Possible?
- Is Average Hurricane Strength on the Rise?
- Is Bioenergy the Key to Future Energy Sustainability?
- Is Blockchain the Key to Reducing Climate Change?
- Is Climate Change Increasing Tornado Frequency?
- Is Flooding a Bigger Risk to Utilities than Hurricanes?
- Is Intelligent Automation the Key to Improved Reliability?
- Is it Cyber Security or Cybersecurity?
- Is It Possible to Futureproof the Power Grid?
- Is It Time to Evaluate your Incident Command System (ICS)?
- Is Machine Learning the Emergency Preparedness Secret Weapon?
- Is Nuclear Power Immune to Extreme Weather?
- Is Operational Earthquake Forecasting Necessary?
- Is Performance-Based Regulation or PBR the Future for Electric Utilities?
- Is Sun-Dimming Technology a Viable Climate Change Solution?
- Is the Recent Earthquake Swarm in Oregon Cause for Concern?
- Is Your SCADA System at Risk?
- ISO New England Deploys New PEAT Early Warning System
- It All Depends On Your Point of View
- It’s January. Do You Trust Your Threat Analysis?
- It’s a Dam Shame
- Jersey Shore Partnership Selects EPPs Unger for Directors Board
- Kansas Regulators Approve Natural Gas Utilities Pipeline Replacement Plans
- Korean Cellphone Alerts Annoy Olympic Visitors
- Lack of Dam Emergency Planning Puts Residents at Risk
- Landfill Gas Fuels Political Battle Over Future of Gas Utilities
- Landslide Forecasting Gets a Boost from AI
- Landslide Hazard Assessment Gets a Boost from NASA
- Landslides Force Power Outages in California
- Largest Colorado Wildfire Portends a Grim Future
- Latest Critical Infrastructure Protection Plan Issued by NERC
- Lawsuit Blames Fukushima Radiation for Thyroid Cancer
- Learnings from the NERC 2024 LTRA
- Lessons from Microgrid Operators Relevant for the Utility Industry
- Lessons from the New England Clean Energy Connect Debacle
- Lessons Learned from Hurricane Ian
- Leveraging the Gig Economy to Replace Retirees
- Liability for Utility Negligence Under Scrutiny in California
- Long-Distance Drones Help China Respond to Henan Floods
- Long-Term Emergency Planning Critical for Utilities
- Low-Impact Development for Flood Proofing Buildings
- Maine Transmission Line Remains a Billion Dollar Controversy
- Man Climbing Electrical Tower Causes Widespread Outages
- Managing a Social Media Crisis
- Managing Air Pollution Requires a Plan
- Mandatory Power Plant Winterization Proposed Following Texas Grid Failure
- Many Navajo Nation Residents Still Living in the Dark
- Many Water Utilities Have High-Risk Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities
- Mapping Project Aims to Protect the Grid Against Space Weather
- Mass Casualty Event Drills Could Benefit Utilities
- Mass Employee Exodus Expected to Increase Pressure on Utilities
- Mass Power Shutoffs in California Under Intense Scrutiny
- Massive Battery Energy Storage Plan Proposed by PG&E in California
- Maximizing Internet Reliability During Emergencies
- Maximizing Lineman Safety
- Maximizing Safety in Power Construction Zones
- Maybe Natural Gas Plants are not the Bridge to Clean Energy
- Megadroughts Threaten Decarbonization Plans in the Western US
- Megaquake Preparedness in Pacific Northwest Called Grossly Inadequate
- Methane Leaks Slashed Thanks to PSEG and Google Collaboration
- Michael Vick and The Second Role
- Microgrid Interconnectivity Gains Steam
- Microsoft Issues Warning Around Power Grid Hacking
- Mike Caffrey Featured Presenter at Mutual Aid Conference
- Military Readiness for Power Grid Cyberattacks
- Minimizing Communication Failures during Emergency Response
- Minimizing Utility Pole Damage Caused by Birds
- MIT Research Suggests China Can Solve Global Warming
- Mitigating Severe Weather Via Underground Cables
- Mobile Communications for Utilities
- Mobile Workforce Management Solutions for Restoration Crews
- Most Common OSHA Violations in 2020
- Most Pressing State Utility Regulatory Commission Priorities
- Mountain Valley Natural Gas Pipeline Project Extended
- Multibillion-Dollar Transmission Line Projects Making Progress
- Mutual Assistance, Logistics Support and Resource Utilization
- NARUC Releases Disaster Management Guide for Consumers
- NASA Conducts Asteroid Disaster Tabletop Drill
- NASA Satellites Assist Turkey and Syria Earthquake Response
- Nashville Eyes Water System Enhancements
- National Grid is Utilizing an Underwater Tunnel to Improve Reliability
- Nationwide 911 Service Outage Caused by Network Failure
- Natural Disaster Mapping
- Natural Gas Construction Spending Trends
- Natural Gas Delivery Sapped by Extreme Cold
- Natural Gas Infrastructure Storm Resistant but Far from Perfect
- Natural Gas Phaseout Investigated in Massachusetts
- Natural Gas Power Plants Hold the Key to Electric Reliability
- Natural Gas Ransomware Attack Provides Lessons Learned
- Natural Gas Shortage Could Impact and Winter Power Outages
- Navigating Workforce Transformation in the Utility Industry
- Negative Thinking for Emergency Planning
- NERC Adds Energy Policy as a Reliability Risk
- NERC Assesses Bulk Power System Physical Security Standards
- NERC Conducts Biennial Grid Attack Exercise
- NERC Issues Pandemic Preparedness Report
- NERC Issues Warning Over Winter Gas Supplies
- NERC Measuring Utility Coronavirus Readiness
- NERC Outlines Grid Reliability Challenges
- NERC Publishes Distributed Energy Resource Strategy Document
- NERC Says 2023 Will Feature More Summer Blackouts
- NERC Says Bulk Power Changes Could Degrade Grid Reliability
- NERC Says Forced Outages are at Historically High Levels
- NERC Says Physical Attacks on the Grid are Rising
- NERC Warns of Elevated Winter Blackout Risk in 2023-2024
- NERC Winter Storm Elliott Report Identifies Outage Root Causes
- NETL Launches Initiative to Optimize Drone Technology for Utilities
- New AHA Tool Helps Predict the Hidden Effects of Disasters
- New California Gas Utility Regulation Targets Leak Reduction
- New CISA Division of Homeland Security Enhances Resiliency
- New Consumer Power Quality Index Reveals the Best and Worst of the Grid
- New DOE Funding Opportunity Targets Physical and Cyber Risks
- New Drone Navigates Via Electromagnetic Fields
- New Empire State Line Will Help New York Meet Clean Energy Goals
- New EPA Financial Impact Tool Helps Water Utilities Assess the Impact of Coronavirus
- New EPA Pollution Limits Expected to Strain Grid Reliability
- New FEMA Strategic Plan has Glaring Omission
- New FERC Task Force Unveiled to Address Transmission Shortcomings
- New Fixed-Wing Drone Goes into Service for FPL
- New Flood Mapping Model Enhances Preparedness
- New Gas-Fired Generation Capacity on the Horizon
- New Gas-Fired Units Approved for California
- New Hurricane Prediction Tool Launched by PNNL
- New ICS Malware Toolkit Aims to Cause Power Outages
- New Iowa Cybersecurity Center to Protect Grids and Microgrids
- New Jersey Board of Public Utilities Accepts EPP’s Major Storms Report
- New Million Dollar Hurricane Drone Introduced by FPL
- New Nuclear Waste Disposal Technique Revealed by Fracking
- New Power Management System Aims to Help Facilities Reduce Outages
- New Satellite Constellation Aims to Enhance Disaster Forecasting
- New Study Says Housing is the Key to National Preparedness
- New System Tracks Pipeline Attacks
- New Technology to Fight a Pandemic Event Almost Ready for Launch
- New Transmission Towers Coming Soon from Duquesne Light Company
- New Underwater Power Grid Could Jumpstart the Offshore Wind Industry
- New Wave Energy Power Plant Set to Go Online
- New York Natural Gas Shortage Thwarts Emergency Preparedness
- New York Wildfire Risk Map Launched
- NJ Considering Tidal Power Plants to Supply Coastal Energy
- NJ Pilot Light 2017 Natural Gas Tabletop Exercise
- NJ Senator Diane Allen installs EPP’s Unger on NAWBO SJ Board of Directors
- NJBIZ Awards EPP’s Unger One of New Jersey’s Best 50 Women in Business
- No Tornado Sirens in North Carolina Region Despite Top-10 Threat
- NOAA Hurricane Hunters Get the Inside Scoop
- NOAA Improves Weather Forecasting Model
- NRC Approves Emergency Planning Rule for Small Modular Reactors
- NRWA Aims to Solve the Water Utility Retirement Bubble
- Nuclear Fuel Fires Present Huge Disaster Risk
- Nuclear Industry Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks
- Nuclear Plant Inspections Facing Cutbacks
- Nuclear Plants and the Tsunami Risk
- Nuclear Power Plant Hacking Increasing
- Nuclear Power Production Set to Increase in the U.S.
- Number of Major Hurricanes Expected to be Above Average in 2020
- Nursing Homes and Emergency Restoration
- NWS Working to Improve Disaster Warnings
- NYISO Issues Comprehensive Reliability Plan
- NYPA Progressing Toward Becoming a Digital Utility
- Offshore Wind Farm Engineering Looks to Sea Mussels for Inspiration
- Offshore Wind Power is Growing and for Good Reason
- Ohio Train Derailment Offers Lessons Learned for Response and Recovery
- Oil Refineries Present Unique Emergency Preparedness Challenges
- Oncor Finalizes $3 Billion Resiliency Plan
- One Year After the Columbia Gas Disaster, Responders Reflect on Best Practices
- One Year Later, Hurricane Ian Recovery Continues
- Optimizing Cybersecurity Incident Response
- Optimizing Information Flow for Improved Emergency Restoration
- Optimizing Lineman Scheduling for Faster Outage Restoration
- Optimizing Power Restoration with Artificial Intelligence
- Oregon PUC Approves 3 Utility Wildfire Mitigation Plans
- Orville Dam Spillway has Hairline Cracks
- Outage Data Staring Between Utilities and Local Agencies
- Outage Information: What a Customer Expects
- Outage Management Systems: What Makes a Good OMS?
- Outage Misinformation is a Big Problem for Utilities
- Outage Risk on the Rise Due to Coal Plant Retirements
- Outages Prompt Puerto Rico to Privatize Power Generation
- Overcoming the Water Utility Workforce Challenge
- Overview of Disaster Preparedness in the United States
- Overview of SCADA Systems in the Electric Utility Industry
- Oyster Creek Nuclear Plant Vulnerable to Hacking
- PA Electric Utility Blocked from Using Herbicides for Vegetation Control
- Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) Being Reauthorized?
- Pandemic Threatens Planned Nuclear Refueling Outages in 2020
- Partnership Helps Rural Electric Cooperatives Use Private Communications Networks
- Pentagon Launches Project Pele for Nuclear Microreactors
- Performance-Based Regulation Proposed for Connecticut Utilities
- PG&E and Lessons in Failure to Learn
- PG&E Bankruptcy Filing: the New Cost of Preparedness
- PG&E Deploying Earthquake Early Warning System
- PG&E Doubles Down on Methane Leak Detection Technology
- PG&E Launches Heatwave Outage Tracker
- PG&E Launches Standalone Power System to Combat Wildfires
- PG&E Plans to Bury Power Lines to Reduce California Wildfires
- PG&E Pleads Guilty to Involuntary Manslaughter Over Camp Fire Concerns
- PG&E Requests Rate Increase to Fund Undergrounding
- PG&E Submits 2021 Wildfire Mitigation Plan or WMP
- PG&E Utilizes Islanding to Reduce Outages
- PGE Deploys Its First Fully Renewable Remote Grid
- Philosophy 101 and the Utility Executive
- PHMSA Seeks Input for 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook
- Pipe Rehabilitation Lessons from the Trenches
- Pipeline Operators Not Immune from Hacking
- PJM Capacity Shortfalls in December 2022 Reach Staggering Heights
- PJM Generation Retirements Could Result in Capacity Shortfall
- PJM Getting Billion Dollar Transmission Upgrade
- PJM Puts Hundreds of Mostly Solar Projects on Hold for 2 Years
- PJM Regional Transmission Expansion Plan Moves Ahead
- PJM Report Says Energy Decarbonization Will Increase Winter Outage Risk
- PJM Report Shows It Must Evolve to Handle Renewable Energy
- Plan for Aging Natural Gas Pipelines in Chicago Under Scrutiny
- Planned Blackouts Place Some California Residents at Risk
- Planned Outages in California Set to Explode
- Planning Personnel: Why Can’t We Just Play The Game, Coach?
- Polluted Floodwaters Represent Yet Another Restoration Risk
- Post-COVID Strategies for Utility Companies
- Power Engineering Woman of the Year Award Nomination
- Power Grid Damage from Squirrel Attacks on the Rise
- Power Line Data Key to Improved Disaster Response
- Power Line Management During a Pandemic
- Power Plant Delays, Other Issues Could Imperil the PJM Power Grid
- Power Plant Winterization Tips to Maximize Reliability
- PREPA Plans to Dramatically Alter the Puerto Rico Electricity Landscape
- Preventing Seasonal Grid Failures
- Private LTE Networks Can Help Utilities Enhance Reliability and Security
- Proactive Outage Management
- Proper Work Boots for Field Personnel
- Proposed EnergizeNJ Grid Modernization Project Under Consideration
- Proposed OSHA Guidelines Aim to Reduce Heat Illness and Injury
- Pros and Cons of Underground Power Lines
- Protecting Utility SAP ERP Software from Hacking
- PSE&G Announces Its Infrastructure Advancement Plan
- PSE&G Receives Approval for $700 Million Smart Meter Rollout in New Jersey
- Puerto Rico Microgrids Pass the Test
- Puerto Rico Water System Still Not Completely Restored
- Radiation Emergency Drill Conducted in Russia
- Radiation Preparedness Gets a Boost from OSHA
- RADRFIRE Combines Artificial Intelligence with Satellite Imagery for Wildfire Detection
- Ranking the Impact of Hurricane Helene
- Ranking Wildfire Risk Across the US
- Raw Sewage Released into River Thanks to Power Outage
- Recent Duke Substation Attack is not Unique
- Recent IoT Hack Should Worry Utilities
- Recent Outage Statistics Reveal, It’s Always Something
- Recycling Wind Turbine Blades Problematic
- Red Flag Warnings Get a Boost from NASA Satellite Imagery
- Reducing SIFs in the Utility Industry
- Regulators Implore Utilities to Deploy Grid Enhancing Technologies
- Reliability Continues to Climb for FPL Customers
- Relief Shelters Present New Coronavirus Concerns
- Remnants of Columbia Gas Disaster Remain 6 Months Later
- Remote Monitoring Solutions for Power Plants and Substations
- Renewable Energy Requires New Business Models and Digitalization
- Renewable Energy Sources Challenge Grid Operators
- Replacing Fiber Optics on Power Lines
- Replacing Grid Equipment Key for Faster Power Outage Restoration
- Report Names Bentonite and Chernovite as Major Cybersecurity Threats
- Report Outlines the Economic Benefits of Investing in Climate Resilience
- Research Reveals Heat Wave Blackouts are a Growing Risk
- Research Shows Small Nuclear Reactors Remain Uneconomical
- Resource Mobilization: To Mobilize or Not to Mobilize, That is the Question
- Responding to a Power Plant Explosion
- Response Professionals: The Hidden Heroes
- Restoration Communications: Warn, Estimate, Advise
- Restoration: Why We’re All In This Business
- Restore Program Brings Utilities Together During Emergencies
- Restoring Outages: Somebody Has To Be Last
- Retaining Utility Talent
- Revisiting the Three Mile Island Incident 40 Years Later
- Rise in Pennsylvania Outages Puts Utilities Under Scrutiny
- Rise of the Grid-Forming Inverters
- Rising Sea Levels Represent the Next Greatest Risk
- Risk of Flood Damage Expected to Dramatically Increase by 2040
- River Floods: The Next Big Threat
- Road Blockages a Barrier to Effective Emergency Restoration
- Root Cause Analysis of August Rolling Blackouts in California
- Rural Coops Get Creative to do More with Less
- Rural Electric Cooperatives Get Funding from USDA
- Safety First – And Always
- Satellite Phones for Emergencies
- Say Hello to the Internet of Energy (IoE)
- Scientists Believe Tornado Patterns are Changing
- Scientists Fear Mega-Tsunami Risk in the Pacific Northwest
- Scientists Introduce Volcano Warning System
- Scientists Propose Enhanced Smart Grid Cybersecurity Measures
- SECC Survey Reveals Increased Concern Over Power Outages
- Seeing is Believing When It Comes to Emergency Exercises
- SEIA: Reliability Requires More Distributed Energy Storage
- Senior Leadership vs Incident Commander During Significant Events
- Severity of Weather Disasters Hits 10-Year High in 2021
- ShakeAlert Earthquake Warning System Launching Soon
- Should Utility Workers Wear a Mask?
- Simplified Outage Planning
- Simplified Undergrounding Process Introduced in California
- SJ Magazine Profiles Unger, EPP
- Slowing Earth Rotation Could Increase Earthquake Activity
- Small Hydropower Dams are not Good for the Environment
- Small Water Utilities Need Help to Maintain Reliability
- Smart Appliance Botnet Could Take Down the Grid
- Smart Grid Security More Important Than Ever
- Smart Grid Vulnerabilities Nobody is Talking About
- Smart Talk has No Place in Utility Communications
- Smart Water Meters Making Little Inroads
- Smartphone Thunderstorm Alerts Launched by NWS
- Snapshot of NOAA’s 2023 Hurricane Forecast
- Social Media Customer Service for Utilities
- Solar Energy Cybersecurity
- Solar Equipment Vulnerable to Hacking
- Solar Mini Grids Could Power Half a Billion People in 10 Years
- Sometimes You Have to Bend the Rules for ICS
- SOPs and their Importance for Emergency Restoration
- South Jersey Aims to Become the Silicon Valley of Drones
- South Jersey Magazine Names EPP’s Unger 1 of 10 Outstanding Women in Business
- Southeastern Hydrogen Hub Eyed by 6 Major Electric Utilities
- Space Junk and Emergency Preparedness
- Space Weather and the Trillion Dollar Storm
- Special Drones Measure Volcanic Gas Emissions for Early Warning
- Spotting Natural Gas Leaks is Getting Easier
- Startup Aims to Become the Amazon of High Voltage Utility Equipment
- Startups Aim to Solve Utility Caused Fires
- States that Experience the Most Power Outages
- Storm Activation Without the Aggravation
- Storm Boss: Check, Please!
- Storm Communications Shine During Hurricane Florence
- Storm Hardening for Increased Grid Resiliency
- Storm Post-Mortems and Lessons Learned
- Storm Response Strategies and Best Practices
- Storm Surge Maps Versus Evacuation Maps
- Strategic Directions Water Report Published
- Strategies to Mitigate Utility Workforce Retirements
- Study Finds Lack of Climate Change Adaptation by Water Utilities
- Study Says Biothreats are a Major Risk
- Subconscious Decision Making in Emergency Restoration
- Substation Fire Protection 101
- Substation Virtualization 101
- Succession Planning for Emergency Preparedness
- Summer Brownouts in the Forecast for Texas
- Sundowners Yet Another Downer for Californians
- Sunrun Partners with PG&E on Virtual Power Plant Deployment
- Superstorm Sandy: Déjà Vu All Over Again
- Survey Data Shows Utility Workforce Turnover is Increasing
- Survey Says Utility Preparedness Subpar
- Taking the Mystery Out of the Second Role Process
- Ted Koppel Goes Full Prepper in Lights Out Cyber Attack Book
- Test of FEMA Wireless Emergency Alert System (WEA) Causes Confusion
- Texas Concludes Investigation into Hurricane Beryl Utility Performance
- Texas Electric Cooperatives Weathered Winter Storm Uri Nicely
- Texas Power Grid Remains Vulnerable to Winter Extremes, Per Report
- The 1918 Pandemic and COVID-19 are Eerily Similar
- The 5 Emergency Response Building Blocks
- The Advent of Hurricane Resistant Buildings
- The Art and Science of Restoration Metrics
- The Bad Exchange
- The Benefit of Utility Tree Trimming
- The Benefits of SCADA Modernization for Water Utilities
- The Case for a National Integrated Grid
- The Case for Adaptive SOPs
- The Case for Considering the Aesthetics of Transmission Structures
- The Case for Fire Resistant Housing in California
- The Case for Macrogrids
- The Case for NSEP: National Security Emergency Preparedness
- The Case for Smart Substations
- The Cassandra Complex
- The Challenge of Power Plant Operations
- The Challenge of Successful Storm Recovery
- The Changing Role of Water Utility Plant Managers and Emergency Preparedness
- The Communication Conundrum
- The Death Print, Emergency Planning and Regulation
- The Devil is in the Details
- The Difference Between Cyclones, Typhoons and Hurricanes
- The Dreaded Bottleneck
- The Dunning Kruger Effect and Emergency Preparedness
- The Electric Utility Liaison Paragon
- The Electric Utility System Hacking Threat
- The Energy Transition Will Increase Cyberattack Vulnerability
- The European Space Agency Look to Satellites for Disaster Planning
- The Evolving Utility Workforce
- The Future of the Utility Industry
- The Growing Interconnectivity of Gas, Electric and Water Utilities
- The Hidden Cost of Employee Training
- The Impact of Fake News on Emergency Planning for Utilities
- The Impact of Old Nukes on Renewable Energy
- The Importance of Assessing Transformer Health for Utilities
- The Importance of Navigation Satellites in the Utility Industry
- The Importance of Physical Security for Utilities
- The Importance of Risk Readiness for Utilities
- The New Jersey Water Crisis Could Magnify Emergency Situations
- The New Jersey Womens Entrepreneurship Series Chooses EPPs Unger as Keynote
- The Notion of Earthquake Proof Cities
- The Patchwork Pandemic
- The Preparation Plight: Can Utilities be Overprepared?
- The Presidential Debate and Being Prepared
- The Problem of Legacy Thinking in the Utility Industry
- The Problem of Power Plant Retirement
- The Radioactive Waste Problem in Japan
- The Real Impact of Transportation Electrification on Utilities
- The Risk of Water Supply Contamination
- The Role of Predictive Maintenance for Electric Utilities
- The Role of Utility Senior Leaders During Outage Restorations
- The Role of Virtual Reality in Emergency Restoration
- The Science Behind Cascading Power Failures
- The Science Behind the Australian Bushfire Catastrophe
- The So-Called Loop Current Spells Trouble for the 2022 Hurricane Season
- The Staging Area Challenge
- The Threat of Terrorism on Utility Infrastructure
- The Three Ds of Power Sector Evolution
- The Troublesome History of Keystone Pipeline
- The U.S. Could Use More Offshore Wind Power
- The Unique Challenges of Ice Storms, Part 1
- The Utility Challenge of Hiring Millennials
- The Utility Leadership Challenge
- The Weirdest Animal-Caused Power Outages
- There Is No Magic Pill
- Threat of Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons
- Threat of Solar Storms Increased Due to Rocks Under I-95 Corridor
- Three 2025 Electric Utility Predictions
- Thunderstorm Asthma and Emergency Preparedness
- Tips for Completing a NERC Reliability Compliance Audit
- Tips for Optimizing Underground Utility Maintenance Work
- Tips for Protecting Against Power System Attacks
- Tips for Reducing Pole Storage Risks
- Tips for Substation Hardening to Mitigate Storm Damage
- Tips to Optimize an Electric Utility PPE Program
- Top 2018 Electric Utility Challenges
- Top 2018 Electric Utility Trends
- Top 2018 Water Utility Trends
- Top 2019 Electric Utility Trends
- Top 3 Electric Utility Modernization Initiatives
- Top 3 Training Best Practices for Utilities
- Top 4 Issues that Plague Power Distribution Systems
- Top 5 Utility Technology Trends for 2020
- Top Five 2024 Utility Priorities
- Top Issues for Electric Coops in 2022 and Beyond
- Top Safety Trends of 2018
- Top Utility Regulation Trends
- Top Utility Technology Trends for the Next Decade
- Top-6 Smart Grid Legal Risks
- Tornado Damage Risk on the Rise in New York
- Tornado Recovery Lessons Learned from Kentucky
- Total Cost of a Power Outage Remains Unknown
- Training Simulations for Utility Companies
- Transformer Shortage Zapping Electric Utilities
- Transformer Supply Needs to Rise Dramatically by 2050
- Transmission Line Fire Hardening Ramping Up in California
- Triggers: Getting Ready for the Big One
- TSA Updates Oil and Gas Cybersecurity Guidelines
- Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Strategies
- Two-Way EV Charger Technology Being Developed by Pepco and Toyota
- U.S. Electricity Use Expected to Grow 1.5% a Year Through 2026
- U.S. Grid Receiving First Ever Power from Offshore Wind Sites
- U.S. Water Grid Becoming Increasingly Vulnerable
- Underground Excavation via Badger Robots
- Undersea Tunnel Being Built to Channel Treated Water Out of Fukushima
- Underwater Gliders Promise More Accurate Hurricane Forecasting
- Unger Elected to National Association of Women Business Owners Board
- Unger Featured Presenter at the Annual CCN Conference
- Unger Installed as NAWBO President
- Unger Named NJEPA Executive Director
- Unger Named One of Top 25 Women Entrepreneurs in Philadelphia
- Unger Presents at the Solid Waste Association of NA Conference
- Unger Presents Workshop to New Jersey Industrial Safety Council
- Unger speaks at USEPA Region III 2007 Disaster Plan Conference
- Unlocking Grid Capacity Via Advanced Power Flow Control (APFC)
- Unmanned Power Plants?
- Untreated Wastewater Flooding Presents Unique Challenges
- Unusual Climate-Fueled Disasters
- Urban Planning and Emergency Preparedness
- US Defense Facilities are Facing Rising Outage Risks
- US Underground Natural Gas Storage Wells are Leaking Like a Sieve
- Use of 3D Printing Growing in the Nuclear Energy Sector
- USGS Completes Groundbreaking San Francisco Bay Earthquake Study
- USGS Deploying Earthquake Early Warning System
- Using Chatbots for Emergency Customer Service
- Using Geospatial Intelligence for Emergency Response
- Using Goats to Prevent Wildfires?
- Using Helicopters to Maintain and Repair Transmission Lines
- Using Infrared and Ultraviolet Technology for Line Inspections
- Using Reality Capture to Enhance Emergency Preparedness
- Using Recovery Drones to Accelerate Outage Restoration
- Using Renewable Propane to Improve Grid Reliability
- Using Satellite Data to Reduce Outage Restoration Time
- Using Satellite Technology to Predict Power Outages
- Using Security Analytics to Protect Utility Assets
- Using Sensor Networks to Increase Grid Capacity
- Using Software for Proactive Outage Communication
- Using Storage Technology to Improve Fossil Fuel Plant Reliability
- Using Visual Inspection Robots for Turbine Generators
- Using Volunteers in Emergency Situations
- Using Wearables to Boost Employee Safety
- Utilities Facing Regulatory Reform Due to Wave of Outages
- Utilities Support $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill
- Utilities Take on the Underground Cable Challenge
- Utility Case Study of Using Texting to Enhance Customer Relations
- Utility Credit Ratings Downgraded Over Wildfire Risk
- Utility Decarbonization Gains Steam in California
- Utility Distribution System Spending Continues to Increase
- Utility Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Best Practices
- Utility Gas Leaks Declining Thanks to Improved Monitoring Technology
- Utility Infrastructure Upgrades Planned for 2019
- Utility Leadership Best Practices
- Utility Performance During Polar Vortex Under Scrutiny
- Utility Press Conference Best Practices During Emergencies
- Utility Regulators = Heightened Expectations and Disequilibrium
- Utility Regulators and the “Walk a Mile” Philosophy
- Utility Restoration Review in NJ Following Isaias
- Utility Retirees: In the Nick of Time
- Utility Spending on the Electric Transmission System Quadrupled in 20 Years
- Utility Supply Chain Issues on the Rise
- Utility Technology for Preventing Wildfires
- Utility Training Exercise Injects
- Vandalism Yet Another Risk for Utility Emergency Planners
- Verizon has Secret Cave for Emergency Backup Equipment
- Viability of Microreactors for Powering Remote Locations
- Virginia Holds State Wide Tornado Drill
- Volcanic Gas Clouds and Emergency Preparedness
- Was Hurricane Dorian Worsened by Climate Change?
- Washington Volcano Program Benefits from Hawaii Volcano Crisis
- Waste Heat Recovery Usage Poised for Major Growth
- Wastewater Treatment Plant Plagued by Poor Training and Turnover
- Watch It Now: Crisis Planning Webinar for National Emergency Preparedness Month
- Water and Wastewater Plants Facing Rising Flood Risk
- Water Outage Floods Utility Call Center
- Water Supply Contamination from Wildfires
- Water Treatment Hack in Florida Highlights New Risks
- Water Utilities at Risk Due to Flaws in Smart Irrigation Systems
- Water Utilities Implement New Safety Protocols to Manage the Pandemic
- Water Utility Cybersecurity is Under Water
- Water Utility Emergency Planning
- Water Vapor Holds Promise as New Clean Energy Source
- Wave Power Can Boost Electric Reliability
- Weather Prediction Models for Electric Utilities
- What Does the Recent Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough Really Mean?
- What is a Nanogrid and How Can It Improve Reliability?
- What is Behind All the Texas Power Outages?
- What Price Buy-in? What Cost Alignment?
- What the 2011 Japan Tsunami Can Teach Us
- What the Recent Cold-Weather Blackouts Mean for the Energy Mix
- What the Rockland Fire Department Can Teach Utilities
- What Utility Damage Assessors Can Learn from Super Bowl LI
- What We’ve Got Here is….Failure to Communicate
- When Fire Hydrants Run Dry
- When Underground Power Lines are the Answer
- Which Came First: Essential Employees or The Customer?
- Why a Disaster Like the Colonial Pipeline Hack Was Bound to Happen
- Why Cellular Connectivity is Key for Electricity Reliability
- Why Diablo Canyon is Key for California’s Energy Future
- Why Electric Utilities Should Analyze Tree Related Outages
- Why Energy Transition Requires Comprehensive Employee Training
- Why IOT Sensor Standards Should Be Developed
- Why Malware is a Huge Risk for Utilities
- Why Mesh Networks and Open Standards are Critical for Smarter Grids
- Why Nuclear Power is Experiencing Renewed Interest
- Why Off-Grid Living Could Hurt Electric Utilities
- Why Predicting Earthquakes is So Difficult
- Why Remote Technology Makes Sense for Power Plants
- Why Slow-Moving Landslides are an Increasing Threat
- Why Substation Modernization is So Challenging
- Why the Failure to Contain Fukushima Radiation Matters
- Why the IIJA is Great News for Electric Utilities
- Why Timing Matters for Utility Public Relations
- Why Tornado Activity is Increasing
- Why Utilities Must Monitor Social Media
- Why Utilities Must Treat Large Planned Events Like Storms
- Why Utilities Should Conduct a Missile Attack Drill
- Why Utility Grid Hardening is Increasingly Critical
- Why Virtual Power Plant (VPP) Adoption Must Accelerate
- Why Virtual Power Plants are the Key to Grid Evolution
- Why Your Restoration Plan is Like a Dirty Diaper
- Wildfire Camera System Paying Dividends
- Wildfire Lawsuits Squeeze Xcel Energy
- Wildfire Mitigation Success Touted by Southern California Edison
- Wildfire Recovery Pitfalls
- Will Rising Sea Levels Impact Utility Emergency Preparedness?
- Wind Energy Industry Sees Growth
- Wind Power Plants Require New Approaches to Outage Recovery
- Winterizing the Grid
- Wireless Power Transmission Makes Headway
- Work Zone Safety Refresher
- Workflow Automation in the Utility Industry
- Workplace Violence
- Workplace Violence: Preparedness is the Key
- Yellowstone Supervolcano Mitigation Plan Proposed